Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3rd Comment

Green technology!!. i'm sure we have heard it. it a technology that eco-friendly to our environment. New government of US under President Obama seem really commit to reduce the global warming effect by it new green policies. The problem are the skeptical point of view from their investor. As we know that currently world in a great deal of recession especially US, such a move will slow down the economic recovery.

The reason is simple, as we know green technology is more in research and development stuff. So the profit is for a long term rather than short term. This surely not good for investor. If we compare to our country we can see there a lot of our research have got the medal in geneva, but how many have been successfully commercialize. Investor is afraid to invest and sometime there no following study to scale up to manufacturing production capacity.

Here is what goverment of US plan to do to reduce the global warming:-
-United States will double its supply of renewable energy in three years
-By 2025, the Obama administration hopes one-fourth of the nation's energy will come from renewable sources
-could help reduce CO2 emissions by 50 percent by 2050,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2nd Comment

Here is another site I think it worth to read (http://environment.about.com). There are lots of environmental issues mainly in United State. I pick up one article as my 2nd comment that I think it is poses as global problem in the future. It is about bottled water we use to drink. As we know there are many type bottled water like mineral water, distill water, and reverse osmosis water.It is worth to buy this product(exclude soda beverages, and juice, and dairy product).Why get so high market??? it seem because it easy to prepare, cheap and choice other than sweet drink. But actually it as we all quote "a solution that create another problem"

The article reveal a surprising fact that most of the plastic bottles are never recycled in United State. Why??? As we know their people keen with recycling program and any environmental awareness. One of the reasons is probably because manufacturer doesn’t want any contamination issue regarding the water quality. The noble reason I can come out with .

The article also bringing up about the quality of the water itself. They found that the quality of the bottled water really small improvement or no different than tap water. They also state the test conduct limited(no e-coli test) compare to tap water. With higher price but more risky to consumer!!!!!

One fact that make we should discourage to buy bottle water is that to get 1 liter of bottled water into your hands requires from 1,100 to 2000 times as much energy to produce, package and transport the stuff as it takes to provide we with the same amount of tap water (conducted by the Pacific Institute, a nonprofit research organization based in Oakland, California.)

They estimate that just producing the plastic bottles for bottled-water consumption worldwide uses 50 million barrels of oil annually enough to supply total U.S. oil demand for 2.5 days. More clearly, assuming the 2007 consumption rate or US citizen are 33 billion liters that requires energy equivalent between 32 million and 54 million barrels of oil. While for world consumption for bottled water is about three times that amount.

Malaysia also has similar trend as develop country, bottled water seem was used excessively in any occasion, seminar or conference. It seems will be another bad culture created. There still no people or groups bring this issue seriously. Our government also need to monitor the water quality so that it will comply with current drinking standard. We don't want to put people health at stake. And again the choice at our hand....

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snippet 1 : Top 10 worst polluted places in the world

Top 10 worst polluted places in the world:

1. Chernobyl, Ukraine (nuclear)
2. Dzerzhinsk, Russia
3. Haina, Dominican Republic (lead problem)
4. Kabwe, Zambia
5. La Oroya, Peru
6. Linfen, China (air pollution)
7. Maiuu Suu, Kyrgyzstan
8. Norilsk, Russia
9. Ranipet, India (heavy metal)
10. Rudnaya Pristan/Dalnegorsk, Russia

A study and chosen by the Blacksmith Institute’s Technical.
(read more at http://www.blacksmithinstitute.org/top10/10worst1.pdf)