Monday, February 9, 2009

1st Article

For my first comment, this article I got from this website This website seem very interesting.

So what you know about cotton. Apart as our beautiful jean, shirt, blouse and many more. Haven’t u think more beyond it. Here is the issue

Here is some statistic

• Cotton accounts for only 3% of the world's crops, yet represents up to 25% of global insecticide use.
• The average conventional cotton t-shirt uses almost half a pound of toxic chemicals in its production.
• It takes 500 gallons of water to produce just one t-shirt made of conventional cotton
• Even the cotton fields are now failing as rising salt residues (a side effect of long-term irrigation) render the land infertile. The United Nations describes the crisis in this area as one of the "most staggering disasters of the 20th century."

Want more?

• The biggest exporter of cotton to Europe is Uzbekistan. It has been widely documented that state-sponsored child labor is used in the cotton fields. Irresponsible environmental practices there have caused the UN to label Uzbekistan "one of the largest manmade environmental disasters."
• Child cotton workers—may be paid only 1 to 2 cents per pound for cotton that is valued at 50 cents (US) on the global market.
• It's estimated that there are up to 5 million cases of pesticide poisoning every year among agricultural workers in developing countries where 20,000 of these cases result in death.

Feel awefull, some to glitter your day 

Now there is awareness to ensure supplier is certified to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). Apart of guaranteeing that the cotton produced is organic (thus eliminating toxic pesticides and harsh processing chemicals), the standard includes an audit of the working conditions in the factory and verifies that:

• Employment is freely chosen, and the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected.
• Child labor is not used.
• Regular employment is provided, living wages are paid, working hours are not excessive, and working conditions are safe and hygienic.
• No discrimination is practiced, and no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.

So, when it apply to Malaysian, what is our part.
• Neither we have cotton plantation nor child labor issue.

That leave us to the only option??? support the organic cotton. So the problem is how we want to recognize it(some sort of specific labeling). Still no specific store sold just organic cotton to begin with. But if there is entrepreneur willing to invest in these industry, are we willing to spend more(of course more expensive). But believe me this sort of company really need our support to make sure it happen.

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